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A collection of links I've found useful as a GIS student, covering cartography, data, job opportunities in GIS, technical instructions and more

Adventures in Mapping

Cartography tricks for ESRI ArcGIS software.


ArcGIS Blog

What's new with ArcGIS software, plus tutorials!


Canadian GIS and Geospatial Resources

What it says on the tin (lots of open data resources).


Cartographer's Toolkit

Gretchen Peterson's blog - mostly QGIS focused.



All kinds of topics from all kinds of authors from ESRI.


GoGeomatics Canada

Articles, plus education opportunities, conferences, a job board and more.


Something About Maps

Cartographic inspiration of the first order, plus super helpful blog posts and tutorials for the Illustrator/Photoshop inclined amongst us (this is not me, but I aspire to one day know how to actually use these things).


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